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Universal Select-A-Catch®1000 Foot Snare device
1. Dig a shallow trench the length and depth of the Select-A-Catch®1000.
Place the unit in the trench and anchor by driving 3 to 5 spikes into the 4 holes at the base (Fig 1), and the hole at the end of the trigger housing. (Trapping Black Bears, all 5 spikes should be used). A low spot in the trail may also be used without digging.
2. Once the unit is anchored, insert a claw hammer, place your hand on top of the hammer firmly and depress slightly downward while pulling the trigger block (Fig2) toward the base in one fluid motion until trigger engages.
3. When the trigger is locked and engaged, place a Safety Nail (Fig 3) in the hole near the adjustment bolt (Fig 4) so it doesn’t accidentally fire, never place finger or hand into trigger housing when unit is set. Depress the pan to check tension. At this point, you can adjust the pan-tension while the Safety Nail is in place, clockwise increases pressure, counterclockwise decreases the pressure. Re-engage then depress the pan firing the unit, check tension.
Adjust to increase or decrease pressure, re-engage and depress again until the correct tension is achieved. This can be done by feel or by purchasing a fan belt tension gauge (not included). Units will be shipped at approximately 15 lbs. pan tension, unless strictly used for Black Bears, and then they will be shipped and set at the maximum pressure. A wax paper cover can be placed at this time over the pan area if desired. The safety nail should be kept in place during the setting procedure.
Coyotes approximately 4 – 5 lbs.
Lions approximately 12 – 15 lbs.
Wolves approximately 12 – 15 lbs.
Black Bears maximum 30 lbs.
All Hogs approximately 4 – 5 lbs.
Larger Hogs approximately 15 + lbs.

When finished testing tension or when pulling the unit, Place hammer in trigger block, with other hand then depress pan to fire. This allows trigger block to slowly go back under pressure from the hammer extending the life of the extension springs. We recommend placing a piece of wax paper slid down the 4 vertical wires covering the pan area. This helps prevent dirt and debris entering the groove around the pan, it also helps in the winter to prevent icing. You are ready to place the enclosed 11" snare loop
(Fig 5) around the 4 vertical elevation springs (Fig 6).
a. Make sure your chain is not twisted and adjust as shown in the instructions as needed (no chain on heavier bear snares)
b. Insert pully keeper RED (Fig 7) into the red trigger sled slide (Fig 8) hole. Make sure the hold and keep are dry and keeper fits snug.
c. Place the snare keeper BLACK (Fig 9) into either one of the holes on the base, depending on which side you are setting from.
d. Make sure that the cable running through the pulley is curved naturally toward the black snare keeper. (Fig10). Be careful not to touch the pan or it will fire and you will have to re-engage it.
e. Once set and the snare is in place, make sure keepers are fully depressed and remove safety nail.
f. Place the trigger housing cover (Fig 11) on the neck of the unit. Place cover on top, completely covering the opening. Make sure the writing on the cover is towards the pan
Always test fire with housing cover in place to help prevent the red snare keeper from disengaging upon firing.
g. do not obstruct the pan area with debris such as sticks and never cover snare with grass as this may catch in the loop and the animal may slip out once caught. Grass may be placed over the trigger housing.
h. Cover unit with light amount of dirt and fine leaves approximately 1/2" deep.
i. Always make sure the unit is clean without any oil, blood or other contaniments that an animal might smell and and be detoured.
Place (Plastic or wax paper) over pan opening to prevent dirt and water from entering which may alter pan tension with accumulated dirt or by freezing. Never fire unit without the housing cover in place. Make sure RED and BLACK snare keepers are firmly in place. The keeper holes should be wiped dry if exposed to extreme moisture. Lightly cover pan with just enough dirt to conceal the unit. Make sure all equipment is clean and free of unnatural odors.

The Select-A-Catch®1000 unit has a Limited Warranty. For best results, we recommend you use Select-A-Catch® patented snares with your Select-A-Catch® foot snare device. See website for detailed Limited Warranty.
The purchase, use and ownership of this unit are subject to various state, local laws and federal laws. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser or User to comply with those laws. Never insert fingers inside the set trap trigger housing. Keep fingers away from moving parts as serious injury may occur if the trap fires accidentally. Always wear safety goggles when setting. Animals, once captured are extremely unpredictable, use extreme caution. See website regarding disclaimer.
After season, Select-A-Catch®1000 can be stored in a variety of ways. Do not store unit in the set position between seasons. This unit has several clean outs and can be hosed out. For better cleaning, if very dirty, the bottom cover may be removed. Never use a cordless drill when re - inserting cover screws as it may strip the screw housing. Hand tighten only.
Check out more setting instructions with videos and pictures on this website. (See Video)
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