1.Using a hand post hole digger or a narrow shovel, dig a hole slightly bigger in diameter and a couple inches deeper than the pipe.
2. Place pipe into the hole to check for proper dimension and depth. Make sure slot is toward where you will place the throw arm. With a hammer or bar cut a 3" wide and 5" vertical slot to accomodate the trigger guard, tap guard into place centering the opening with the slot. On the 15" pipe, the guard should be even with top of slot on the pipe. This lowers the 11" trigger making it Maine Legal.
3. With a hammer or small spade, clean out an area the dimensions of your throw arm approximately 1 to 2 inches deep. Without setting, put the trigger into the slot by way of the trigger guard. lay throw arm in place making sure it is level and that the trigger moves freely in slot. Also, check that the trigger has sufficient clearance to drop a couple inches enabling it to release throw arm after engagement.
4. If all is correct, place dirt around pipe and trigger guard to hold in place
5. Check trigger movement again to make sure it is clear of the slot. The bend in the top of the trigger should be against the outer top of the pipe.
6. Take (4) 8” spikes (included) and secure throw arm to the ground, check trigger clearance one more time.
7.Carefully grab the spring powered throw arm lever with one hand. With your other hand grasp the trigger inside the pipe and with the throw arm depressed, slide trigger ‘L” into the “U” shape of the throw arm. CAUTION: Do not lean over the throw arm.
8. While still holding pressure on the throw arm, slide silver safety latch hook over the throw arm.
With safety in place, and one hand on the throw arm, set and depress trigger to make sure it clears the the slot and that it will drop sufficiently to release the throw arm. Always monitor safety latch that it remains in place.
9. Secure the snare end to a tree. Place snare loop around the very top of the pipe. The lock is placed between the pipe and the "U" shape end of the throw arm. Lay your cable outward from the lock through the "U" end of the throw arm along side of it.
10. Using the “L” shape rebar pins (Included), drive one along side of the throw arm approximately 10" or so out from the pipe, securing the cable to the ground. Keep the “L” shape pointing away from the cable and throw arm. Place the second “L” shape pin to the far end opening of the swivel, drive into the ground. If dirt is soft angle away from the snare. The “L” shape points away from the snare.
11. (4) Survey stakes are used (Included)– two are driven between the pipe and throw arm to prevent the rock from rolling on the throw arm, (Make sure stakes do not interfere with the throw arms upper movement.) The other two stakes are placed along side of the throw arm to prevent a bear from stepping on it.
After survey stakes are in place, now is the time bait can be introduced into the pipe leaving 2 - 3" of clearance below trigger
With one hand, keeping your head out of the way of the throw arm, take your other hand place it in the pipe and hold up the trigger, put slight downward pressure on throw arm and unhook safety latch. The throw arm at this time can be covered with a light layer of leaves and and grass around the pipe blending in to camouflage any freshly dug dirt.
Carefully place a large round bottom rock on top of the pipe. Apply a small amount of lure on top of the rock being careful not to drip around the pipe set which may cause the bear to dig.